Uffda Play (pronounced “oof-da!”) brings parents and children together in a fun, safe, fun (did I say that already?), and nurturing environment.
Is that a mountain to be climbed? Or maybe it’s a dinosaur begging to be ridden! Our wonderful wooden play structures are made by hand, out of pine, with love. They provide a blank slate for young imaginations!
All of our toys are all made from natural fibres, in a variety of interesting shapes and textures, all just begging for children to put their own spin on them.
Uffda Play also hosts a baby group and playgroup, which is a wonderful opportunity for parents to socialize with others who may be experiencing similar issues and challenges. Expectant parents are more than welcome to come and chat with other parents before baby arrives. (Practice baby snuggles are free with registration!)
We have a book club too!

My name is Marlene Luneng, and I am the founder of Uffda Play.
When my second-born daughter was beginning grade eight, she often came home in tears. She cried at the supper table and in general was the most unhappy person I’d ever seen. This was a child who was on the honour roll and had the best of friends; yet, she was struggling. Something wasn’t right. I had to find a different educational path if I wanted to get my happy darling daughter back.
I studied different philosophies related to childhood development. When I stumbled upon Waldorf Education, I was immediately drawn to its holistic approach and how it embraces spiritual, mental, and physical elements of a child’s well-being. It fit my values and beliefs to a tee, and I dove right in.
Around the same time, I found Magda Gerber’s RIE Philosophy, which is based on some basic principles about respecting the child and trusting them to be “an initiator, an explorer, and a self learner.”
I pulled bits and pieces from both Waldorf Education and Magda Gerber’s philosophy to form my own unique approach to educating my children in a way that worked for us and our family.
I loved it! My daughter was thriving, and I felt grounded and completely aligned with the way that I was teaching her.
I soon craved a community of like-minded families to spend time with and learn from, so I started my own.
Uffda Play was born just after my fourth daughter. The name came from a Norweigan expression my father used when we were children. “Uffda!” is what he would say if he burnt his hand, or if he was being silly. Parenting can be both difficult and silly, so I thought Uffda was the perfect name for our playgroups.
Uffda has been nourishing my soul and the souls of our community of families, ever since.