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The platform is full of potential. If you have the large or small platform you will love a matching ramp to go with it. With a big leg lift and lots of arm use one can climb into or out of this structure. These movements are very important. Climbing will begin.


Used as a platform a child can feel like they have conqured a mountain. Wait! Is that someone else climbing up onto the platform. Now we must change how we act. Are we shy or are we welcoming to this new child who has also conqured the play structure? Or perhaps we don't want them there or are figuring out how to respond to having another being up as high as they are.


As an open box to climb into they feel they have a safe and secure place to play. They will turn inwards and have quiet play. At least until a friend wants to climb into the box, their space, unexpectedly. Then a new soical aspect is added in.


Add some stools or a triangle to make an obstacle course. Your young one can crawl and then advance to walking up and down the ramp. The sense of balance and feeling of climbing higher in space will be an amazing adventure.


The addition of the ramp will offer social development opportunites but also gross motor development, balance and fine motor skills. Lots is to be gained from this simple structure. 


We begin manufacturing once an order has been placeed. 


Stain is food and child safe.


  • Ships for approximately $60 within Canada.

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